FlavouR oF LIfe....lovE it and LiVe it ...

"Bila Mana Hidup Ini Sungguh Berperisa~~ YummyLifeLicious "

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

CuteNess OverLoad~~~

Today just wanna share something sweet n cute to easy the worry for most of my fellow Khuntorian....as we know yesterday...some things bad had happened in Korea. so most music event n variety show would be cancel through out the week. Even last night Strong Heart n Invisible Youth was cancel..huhu~~~ so possibly maybe WGM is also cancel this saturday...but it's ok, i understand the situation there..hopefully everything turn out to be just fine for both party. Even yesterday the trending topic for twitter is #Prayforkorea and #Peacekorea...

So to sooth the tense lets listen to something sweet with cuteness overload... Orange Caramel~~~A~ing... Enjoy ya guys..remember PEACE NO WAR... daaa~~~xoxo ^_^

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