To sum things up for everything that happen in this life, you never going to miss facing all sorts of different feeling. To believe that I'm strong enough to face everything that happen in life, i do admit i miss calculated things sometimes. But deep down inside you will know that everything happened for a reason. A reason that one fine day, you'll know that you glad thing happen the way it happened.
sometime it all start with a primitive feeling of liking someone would end up cost you of losing a friendship. i hate it so much but, that is that. life must go on, you must drag your feet to move on even it's hard to do so. personally for me, i do admit I'm afraid of rejection especially it comes from a person that i hope would accept my so-called 'L-O-V-E'. but i rather be hurt than be accepted with the foundation of sympathy.
in my humble opinion time will heal everything (but i know the scar will always be there ^_^) the ALMIGHTY ALLAH would never let us down. Despite all the thunder the bright sunny day will come together with it colorful RAINBOW as a present to us ^_* so while waiting for that sunny day and colorful rainbow let just CELEBRATE LIFE~~~~~ make the most out of the MOST PERSONALmemories.... life is tooooooo short to be wasted i guess...more dramas are awaiting US out there..come on and pick the character, role and genre of drama that you like to act on. as for me this year 2010 i don't want to be the main character anymore...because last year IN 2009 i already play the main character ^_^ so this year i'll be the 'sidekick'
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