FlavouR oF LIfe....lovE it and LiVe it ...

"Bila Mana Hidup Ini Sungguh Berperisa~~ YummyLifeLicious "

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daily Grind-in the Pasta~~

Prior to the visit to Bangsar Village ari tu, we went to Daily Grind to have our dinner. THis is my second time here...first time we went dulu just makan desert jek. Since i'm still kenyang i'm just accompany ctot n nabilah.

Ctot order spaghetti meatball bolognese, taste wise ok lah ^_^ tp banyak jugak lah portion die~~

THis is Nachos wit cheese n chicken..yg nie sodap sodap sodap hehehe~~ the guacamole is delicious...

siap buat small portion serving lg hehehe~~~ cos masa tu tak lapo sgt, just eating for the sake of we must have our dinner hehehe~~ oh might come back for the Nachos though... ^_^

Wajah org2 yg kekenyangan despite ermmmmm....... ^_^

Oh since holloween is just around the corner, the decor pun dh siap2 hias dah..tgk tu ada seketul skeleton tergantung hehehe~~ok lah happy holloween~~~ daaaa~~~xoxo

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