THis is an entry yg dah berkulapok hehehe~~~ last month punya event nie. Sempena MAHA 2012, Kelab Kucing Malaysia (KKM) ada buat event kat situ, so since Ktaj@Scratch always tag along with KKM. Kami pun bukak booth kat situ jgk ler tp cume 2 ari jek (1-2 dec 2012)... jom layan pic2 nie sumer~~
Nie upacara pecah tanah hehehe, booth on the 1st day...l'm super excited actually cos dah lama tak jaga booth due to super busy with work n study b4 this~~
Sambil jaga booth tu bergedikss ber'selca gan geng garu2 yg len..nie with abg yg d copot-copot hehehe~~~
Nie berpose2 dgn bella~~~ oh comey tak face painting tu??? Syaja yg lukis..ada talent gak die menconteng muka den nia ha~~ ^_^
Si Danial la punya keje nie hehehe~~d snap nye pic den masa gah lahap mencekik nasi lemak tu...masa nie lapooo giler cos tak sarapan!!!! huhuhuu

Datin diyana merenung masa depan sambil makan nasi lemak sodapppp~~~ multi-tasking tu hehehe... aku plak gah mendodoi kakak Noona ^_^
Nie syaja turn plak dodoi kan kakak Noona~~~ Oh just for ur info, Kakak Noona had just passed away couple of days ago... Kakak we will always miss u just so u know ur bapak lov u sooo much~~ RIP sayang, when u reach the other side of the rainbow bridge please tell Acel that I miss him so dearly T_T
Biasenye bila Ktaj@Scratch open booth, kita akan buat adoption drive. This is Mira, she is a very dedicated cat fosterer. I really admire her tau cos die sgt bertabah tuk put cats yang dah d foster for adoption.. aku mmg trus trang ckp I'M NOT A GOOD FOSTERER!!!
Cat for adoption ari tu, Alhamdulilah sumer dpt d re-home kan..smoga kamu semua dpt owner baru yang will love n take a good care of you ok ^_^
THis is the face painting for charity yg kita buat tuk penuh kan tabung donation Ktaj@Scratch..sekali conteng muka rm5 jek.. tukang conteng aritu adalah dewi n syaja.. alhamdulilah mendpt sambutan ^_^
These was the stuffs that we sell that day...hasil jualan nie nnt akan d masuk dlm tabung Ktaj@Scratch n akan d gunakan untuk membiayai subsidi perubatan untuk haiwan jalanan in Malaysia ^_^ so rerakan pls support our charity sales, it for a good cause tau~~
Nie sebelum acara penutup, yg baju biru tu Menteri Pertanian & Asas Tani YB Datuk seri noh omar...die n isteri melawat booth... the 2 days event is super fun. Alhamdulilah sales memberangsang kn, donation from public pn sgt bersyukur... See u guys on the next event~~daaa~~xoxo
cr: pic ikhsan bang copot2 n datin diyana~~tq2
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