Muka dua orang budak yg excited 1st time g mkn chili's. Oh incase you don't know chili's is a well-known Mexican food eatery... yolah kat Jb mana lah ada bnd alah nie kn..so sape2 yg duk KL n Slgr nie kalo tak pena makan chili's nie loser la gamaknye ( ayat generalisation yg over, so sila jgn trasa ati n meroyan hehehe :P saja mengusik) sbnrnye2 aku n cik ctot dh over this stuff cos we being eating this thing since study lg so dh agak immune gan rasa die tp ada 1 bnd yg still kalo mkn million times kat sini ttp sedap sepanjang masa..so apakah???? hehehe jap lg tau~~ ^_^
Jeng..jeng... nie lah bnd alahnye fajita nachos...serius sdp gilosssss..eating it with tomota salsa, sour cream n jalapeño...wooooooo menjilat pinggang weiiii~~ :) mkn bnyk2 kali pun tak jemu tp jln mkn skali hadap nnt jelak cos bnd nie cheeseeeeeee ok~~
This old-time fave..dh name die pun old-timer hehehe~~ burger die beso penyepak...based from experience burger nie tak penah abis kalo mkn sorang, so mmg kena share..mkn kat chili's nie its all about sharing is caring... fries die gemols2 plak tu..mmg superb~~~
Nie sbnrnye appetiser kitaorg bottomless Tostada chips...blh refill juta2 kali...nie sesuai order kalo g reramai n nak borak2 kosong cos this thing is bottomless~~ dipping die salsa...tp masa dolu2 rasanye die ada 2 dippings so rasanye skrg dh cut-cost nie huuuuu~~~ "
oh nie adalah pelanggan yg sgt berpuas ati trus jd mengong...budak kemaruk fries..siap order separate fries lg tu...fries gebus nie mmg sodap~~ :)
Last but not least is our dessert..brownies with vanilla ice cream n choc sauce...sodap btl tp still tak leh lawan choco molten..that is still the besttttttt~~~ so mmg full giles mkn kat sini cos portion die besar n mkn leh share2 ^_^ so rerakan jom la g sana..oh tp jgn luper g booked in advance yek cos jarang skali dpt walk in jek tnp booked cos slalu full-house kat sini~~ ^_^ daaaa~~xoxo
apakah motip??takpe,tggu aku blk sana.joms g chilis.hehehe.e sape yang tak pena mkn chilis tu?heheheheh
chokobie la yg takpe mkn chili's...jakun malaun ank aku nie ha!!!! kuikuikuikui :P
hahaha..takpe chokobie,nanti aunty ct bwk g eh.ish ape ni dok kay hell tak pn g chilis :P
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