FlavouR oF LIfe....lovE it and LiVe it ...

"Bila Mana Hidup Ini Sungguh Berperisa~~ YummyLifeLicious "

Sunday, April 4, 2010

To sUM THIngs Up~~~~~ comE on ^_*

So many things happened last month...most of it a really happy and good memory. So below is a sum up of all the things happened. ^_^

1. Getting my Baby 'V'...

2. My nieces came to my house to spend their school holidays.

3. Diner at Equatorial Bangi with colleagues.

4. Drive back to back KL-JB-KL in 1 crazy day... @_@

5. Took my babies to vet for their 1 year vaccination (chokobie n debab)

6. Attending baby zarif (dak tomel) birthday.

7. Going back to my old obsession... yeahhhhhh~~~~~ comics, manga, anime, K-pop, J-pop and soo many other things.... happy bunny ^_^

8. Last but not least, this misfortune event when baby 'V' got admitted to the ward@workshop...huhuhu very sad. @_@

So tadaaaa...that is all the things that happened all around march. Some fun, some good and some sad...but hey that is life, that is FLAVOUR OF LIFE...xoxo ^_^

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MH08 said...


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